Conscious Leadership Workshop
with Wagner Alegretti and Paulo Vieira de Castro of I-ACT
Well-being, put simply, is what most people desire: health and happiness. However, science shows humans are, generally, not so great at finding happiness. The largest study on well-being reveals that strong relationships and a sense of purpose are among the strongest correlates of happiness. Organizations can promote well-being by providing authentic relationships, healthy habits, a sense of purpose, sufficient autonomy and opportunities for development or mastery. We think that the world sorely lacks more leaders - in communities, in businesses, in the civic arena - that can promote well-being for more people and help them do more of what makes them awe-some.
With Conscious Leadership Workshop, explore the consciousness-level origins of authentic, empathic leadership and the practical application of energy and rapport to promote family, community and organizational well-being.I-ACT Organizational Well-Being is a model rooted in the vital, intuitive, mindful, creative realm of consciousness and built around four core areas of focus: leadership, creativity, relations and intention. We offer courses, experiential immersions, certificate programs, individual guidance and organizational consulting.
I-ACT leverages decades of research and mastery of spontaneous and intentional transformative experience to enable a more conscious leadership, creativity, leadership and intention. Together, we can shape leaders of tomorrow and further qualify today's leaders to enable more individuals to reach their potential and enrich and better the world in their unique way.
This theory and practice workshop is led by one of Europe's leading authors on spirituality in organizations, Paulo Vieira de Castro, and one of the world’s foremost authorities on consciousness and the biofield, Wagner Alegretti.
This experiential course is part of I-ACT’s Certificate in Organizational Well-Being: Conscious Leadership.
Over the course of several months, we will provide a number of experiences, in person and online, that will culminate in a Level 1 certificate. This will be followed by an experiential immersion with various mentors, which will be held at organizations by request and in the Portugal countryside (Level 2). A level 3 certification will be provided to those who apply the principles and techniques of I-ACT Organizational Well-Being: Conscious Leadership to achieve demonstrable improvement in their organization or professional life.
In the process, participants will join a community and network of fellow ethical leaders from various sectors who will support each other to realize, to create, to inspire and to promote well-being in their own lives, organizations and communities
Course Structure:
Conscious Leadership & Evolutionary Rapport: 1 hour (Paulo), 10 min break
Leadership and Energy: 1 hour (Paulo + Wagner), 10 min break
Practice Session: 2 hours (Wagner)
Registration: Pre-Register for US$ 95 by contacting IAC Florida or via I-ACT Webstore. At the door: $125.
Monday, May 22, 4:00 PM - 8:20 PM
Hosted by IAC Miami - 4011 W Flagler St #303, Miami FL 33134
Simultaneous transmission ONLINE
Post-conference event of the ICC 2017 conference, sponsored by I-ACT
Ideal for current and upcoming business, educational, and civic leaders
A portion of the proceeds will benefit IAC / ICC Conference
Conscious Leadership Workshop (Miami + ONLINE)
Learn about other events associated with ICC 2017 through May 25 in Miami