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Our Consultants

Paulo Vieira de Castro, one of the foremost thinkers on consciousness in organizations, leads our training and consulting programs for civic, educational, and business organizations and professionals. The first programs we will roll out begin in the Summer of 2017 on consciousness-based organizational well-being, around four core areas of focus: leadership, creativity, relations and intention.
For your personal life, your first point of contact at I-ACT is with co-founders and award-winning consciousness research and development leaders Nanci Trivellato and Wagner Alegretti, who have been working in this field for over 30 years and have attended many thousands of individuals in one-on-one sessions throughout the world. Each carefully picked consultant of I-ACT, including Alegretti and Trivellato themselves, will carry on coaching and consulting sessions according to an exclusively devised plan of action.


We endeavor to create a forthcoming and affable space where client’s inner issues, desires, fears, traumas, limitations, perceptions, insights, feelings and aspirations can be acknowledged and discussed openly. Everyone could use a trusted confidant, a mentor, a sounding-board, a new perspective… We strive to provide it, in a genuinely human way, aiming at bringing to the surface their potential, both manifest and latent, empowering them to transform their particular traits into a set of mastered tools, which, in turn, can make them happier and more lucid individuals.

Our consultants bring a diverse range of experience to our wellness and development ecosystem.






Our consultants act as trusted agents of inspiration and performance to activate your fullest potential. The team’s background, experiences, insights, techniques and technology create an unprecedented holistic, multidimensional confluence of resources to help you achieve new levels of wellness, self-awareness, clarity, and purpose.


As consciousness science and practice evolve, we keep advancing and bringing to you cutting-edge services, products, techniques, and technology that go beyond conventional vision and methods, but responsibly acknowledge and draw from them.


Above all, our highest goal is to assist each individual to be happy with whom they really are, deal with the incidents or “misfortunes” they may experience, and be able to conduct themselves in a balanced manner to make the most of their lives. We believe that this set of elements brings wisdom and vivacity, favoring achievement of one’s goals.

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