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Watch Mandorla movie with director, producer at ICC 2017 in Miami, May 18

Meet the director and producer of Mandorla and watch their award-winning movie. Discover why audiences around the world find it both beautiful and transformative. Then, join the movie's creators for an exclusive meet and greet and discussion hosted by I-ACT on consciousness, creativity and purpose.

It is all happening at 7 PM at the J L Knight Center in downtown Miami on May 18, as a pre-conference event before ICC 2017, sponsored by I-ACT. The Mandorla team is donating a significant portion of the proceeds to support this landmark consciousness science event.

Buy a $20 ticket through the ICC registration page.

Stick around after the conference for experiential post-conference events including I-ACT's Conscious Leadership Workshop, part of the upcoming certificate program on Organizational Well-Being: Conscious Leadership.


US & France 89 min 2017

Director Roberto Miller

Producer Liz Holdship

The only journey is the one within. Mandorla explores a man's search for a meaningful life despite conflicts between his inner and outer worlds. Ernesto is a visual artist and seeker stuck in a corporate job, who is drawn by dark magical visions to a medieval French city. There he seeks an elusive banker to help him unlock an obscure dream that threatens his job, family, and sanity.

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