Energy Mindfulness for Emotional Resilience (10/27, Los Altos, CA with Nanci Trivellato)

Energy Mindfulness for Emotional Resilience is a new workshop by author and world-renown biofield practitioner-mentor Nanci Trivellato, MSc, co-founder of IAC and I-ACT.
Saturday, 10/27, 2:30 - 5:30 PM
$125 (Sign up for this workshop and Wagner's and save $50)
146 Main St., Los Altos, CA 94022
To register call Mary @ 650-948-0419. Pay with PayPal at

People often refer to the “vibe” or “energy” of an environment, idea, or person. In spite of the prevalence of this notion, in practical terms, many times we do not know exactly how this "energy" or "information" affects us. A lack of awareness of this subtle dimension of life or an inability to deal with its impact can add to our already stressful lives. The tension of individuals compounds to affect the overall environment of homes, communities and work places, creating a vicious cycle of negative influence. In this workshop, consciousness researcher and author Nanci Trivellato, MSc will share precious tips from her three decades of teaching and personal practice. You will learn new ways of recognizing detrimental external influences and reinforcing your "energy field." You will learn techniques to block some of these influences. The concepts and techniques shared will help you become more vitalized and aware, while feeling calmer and more balanced. We will have a discussion of personal traits and relationship dynamics that we may encounter at and outside of work. Role play of situations will help demonstrate how they may relate to one's level of emotional, mental, and energy dimensions of resilience. Once we grasp this notion, the energy or information forces present in each environment and relationship will become clearer. Participants will be able to improve their level of energy defense and vitality. Homes, communities and workplaces can become friendlier, healthier, and more attractive resulting in greater productivity, creativity, well-being, and development.