Fire 2.0: Conscious Influence - Tap into the Biofield for Inspired and Ethical Influence (10/27 Work

Fire 2.0: Conscious Influence Tap into the Biofield for Inspired and Ethical Influence with IAC and I-ACT co-founder Wagner Alegretti Brought you by I-ACT, IAC, and FMBR
Saturday, 10/27/2018 10AM - 1PM 146 Main St., Los Altos, CA 94022
$125 for one workshop (Save $50 if you sign up for Nanci's workshop as well)
To register call Mary @ 650-948-0419Pay with PayPal Contact FMBR to register!
Each of us has the ability to influence others, with the ability to provide various levels of leadership in our communities. The type of leadership that is rooted in a deeper awareness and that ethically brings out the best in people can be called Conscious Leadership. Well-being is what most people desire: health and happiness. However, science shows humans are, generally, not so great at finding happiness.
It also reveals that strong relationships and a sense of purpose are among the strongest correlates of happiness and longevity. We can help those around us by promoting well-being through authentic relationships and facilitating healthy habits, a sense of purpose, sufficient autonomy and opportunities for development or mastery. We think that the world sorely lacks more leaders - in communities, in businesses, in the civic arena. We can all be mentors, coaches, friends and relatives who promote well-being help others do more of what makes them awe-some.

With Fire 2.0, we explore the consciousness-level origins of authentic, ethical, empathic influence and the practical application of energy and rapport to promote family, community and organizational well-being and development. I-ACT's Organizational Well-Being model is rooted in the vital, intuitive, mindful, creative realm of consciousness and built around four core areas of focus: leadership, creativity, relationships and intention. Wagner Alegretti will leverage decades of research and mastery of spontaneous and intentional transformative experience to enable a more conscious leadership, creativity, leadership and intention. Together, we can shape leaders of tomorrow and further qualify today's leaders to enable more individuals to reach their potential and enrich and better the world in their unique way. Part 1: Workshop and Discussion on Conscious Leadership (1.5 hours) Part 2: Learning and practicing biofield techniques related to Conscious Leadership (1.5 hours)